Just a couple pics I shot of Maddy in front of our house the other day... She loves being outside, picking flowers, and playing in and eating dirt. These pics were before she invaded the garden. She is growing up so fast! It's crazy how one day she is my little baby and the next she is a little girl!
Maddy is finally getting more confident and trying to walk more on her own...

Ooopps, fell again...

But she is still happiest crawling around getting her knees all scraped up and dirty!

Here is Maddy with her BFF Mungo...

Whether he likes it or not...

Mungo is the new neighborhood cat here on our street. He loves everyone and wants to visit them all in their homes and eat their other cats food. He is also fearless! He is not afraid of 50 lb Fuzzy the cat that lives across the street! He waltzes right pass the huge hissing cat into Fuzzy's home and eats all of his food! He is also not afraid of cars...this could not be good! We have to tell cars to stop for him while he casually crosses the street in front of them! Good thing he is white. But if anyone knows Mungo, you just can't keep him locked up indoors... we don't know what to do with our cuddly, loving, friendly, computer cord and clothes eating Mungo....