So we've been working on this for awhile now... Getting Maddy in her big girl bed so we can give her crib to Mika. Well, Mikas now 6months and has still been sleeping right next to me in her pack n play which barely fits between my bed and the window in our room. It's really time for her to join her sister...
We've had this cute bed for awhile. My mom got Maddy the cutest bedding, and Maddy LOVED it! But wouldn't sleep in it!

Here is Maddy's rendition of the 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed...

She loves to jump off and bonk her head. Yea... I know...

Mika warming up to her knew bed...

Anyways, we finally got Maddy to sleep in her "Big Girl Bed" at night time, but we would catch her in the middle of the night with her lights on, Pjs off, trying on her clothes. After nights of her fashion escapades, she was no longer sweet, happy little Maddy, but grumpy tired Maddy.
We finally got her to stay in bed at night.. ( I think!), but she still surprises us most mornings with her own choice of outfit for the day. She always says "I'm ready!"
Here are just a few samples of her outfits of choice...

Long story short... Last night Mika finally slept in the crib! WOo hoo! Maddy slept all night and didn't even wake up when I went in to get Mika in the morning to give her her bottle, which she ate and went right back to sleep... until 8:45 when they both finally woke up!
Hope this lasts!!!