So I had been waiting to make a special day out of Maddy's first haircut. I invited Maddy's great Grandma and Grandpa Olive, my mom, and my sister Amy was able to come help out too. I scheduled Maddy at First Cuts at Fashion Island, it was a little expensive, but I thought it would be fun to go get lunch, and see the pet store before hand. Here is my mom and Maddy at Fashion Island...

It was time to go to our appt, we walked over to where First Cuts used to be, and it was gone!The lady on the phone told me it was still there when I scheduled the appt that morning! This was the start of a very bad day...
I had locked my keys in the car before and was just going to call AAA after the haircut so my grandparents didn't have to wait. Now I needed to get in my car to go to Corona Del Mar where the haircut place was really located. It took AAA 40 minutes to get to my car, while G&G where waiting...
When AAA guy finally arrived and broke into my car, my alarm went off and I didn't have the transponder to turn it off! The AAA guy was like, "sorry. See ya!". Yes, I had to drive with my car alarm going off. It finally stopped en route, we pulled up to the haircut place, turned off the car, and there it went again! It was so loud! Super embarrassing, and I just left my car there with the alarm screaming at everyone. It is now Maddy's nap time, but we are going to get a haircut. I have my camera and everyone is ready. We sit Maddy down in the cute little airplane, and the meltdown begins...
I end up having to hold her while she gets her hair done my the lady who had told us First Cuts was at Fashion Island earlier that morning. Maddy was not happy..

Most of her first haircut pics look like this...

Here I am trying to tell Maddy how cute she looks with the wierd little flowers the lady stuck in her hair...

A little happier...

Then the scary lady wants to take her picture...

The haircut lady takes her picture for Maddy's memory book, and her printer prints out the portrait of Maddy, except her face is bright green. The printer ran out of toner. She said this has never happened in 2 years. "Sorry, that will be $25." She says.
Good thing I had my camera to capture these great memories! (=
Finally Maddy was happy when she realized how good her first sucker was! There was no taking this away from her. The carseat was a sticky mess. But at least she was happy again and we got the first hair cut experience out of the way. Fewwwww! That was a long day!

A couple days later I got these cute shots of Maddy. Happy again and showing off her new haircut! Sooo cute!

No more $25 hair cuts for you!